NGC 7000 - "The North American Nebula" - In Cygnus

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Subject Notes:
    ~ Coming Soon ~
Imaging Details:
Imaging Date:   September, 2002
Imaging Site:   Kirkland, WA USA
Seeing Conditions:   Fair (Significant light pollution from nearby Seattle to the west, Bellevue to the south, Kenmore and Bothell to the north, Totem Lake to the east, and Kirkland all around).
Telescope:   Takahahsi FSQ-106N @ F5 (530mm)
Imaging Camera:   Pentax 6x7 II
Mount & Guiding:   Losmandy G-11 with Gemini Goto. Guided with SBIG STV on Takahashi FS-60C
Exposure:   Kodak E200, Summed stack of 5min + 10min, and 15min + 20minute exposures in Registar, These resulting images were then median combined in Registar to produce a stack of four total images totaling 50 minutes.
Processing Notes:   Photoshop - Adjustment to curves and levels, prior to, and after stacking images in Registar. Slight application of grain reduction using grain surgery. Cropped, and re-sampled down (resized).

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