M27 "The Dumbbell Nebula" - In Vulpecula

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Imaging Details:
Imaging Date:   August 28th, 2002
Imaging Site:   Kirkland, Washington - USA
Seeing Conditions:   Good
Telescope:   Takahahsi FSQ-106N @ F8 (850mm)
Imaging Camera:   ST-10XME w/CFW-8A
Exposure:   Red = 5x200sec, Green = 5x200sec, Blue = 5x320sec
Mount & Guiding:   Losmandy G-11 with Gemini Goto. Guided with STV on Takahashi FS-60C
Processing Notes:   MaxIm DL/CCD - Dark subtracted, and sum combined.
Photoshop - Color combined, levels, curves, slight color balance, and unsharp mask sharpening.

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