IC 5146 "The Cocoon Nebula" - In Cygnus

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Imaging Details:
Imaging Date:   July 29th - 31st, 2005
Imaging Site:   ARGO, Oregon - USA
Seeing Conditions:   Excellent
Telescope:   Takahashi TOA-130F with Field Flattener @ F7.68 (999mm)
Imaging Camera:   SBIG ST-2000XM w/CFW-10 & SBIG Filters
Exposure:   LRGB: L = 300 Minutes (Un-Binned), RGB = 60 x 60 x 60 Minutes (Binned 2x2)
Mount & Guiding:   AP900GTO, Guided with on camera guide chip.
Processing Notes:   MaxIm DL/CCD - Dark subtraction calibration, aligned and median combined
Photoshop - Levels, curves, slight color balance, and saturation.

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